

The 445 Day Wedding Celebration

Last night I arrived home to find a package on the porch. A package on the porch = perma-smile!

Immediate inner dialogue over takes me, "please be for me, please be for me, where's the label? where's the label?"

Jackpot! The package was addressed to the whole Lovely Family (I don't mind sharing?!) The return address was from Henry's family, the Ogle's, in California. I could not get through that tape fast enough...

Look at this darling package...

 (notice the box is addressed to Nikki and Henry Eichman.
 I guess she didn't get the memo we changed our last name to Lovely)

What a wonderful surprise, they sent us a wedding gift. They also sent an apology for the tardy nature. You know what I say..."no apology necessary! I love surprises!"
Married know how it feels the day packages stop arriving on your doorstep, a little sad.

Here is the gem inside the package...A glass blown vase-watermelon style. I just love it!

Congratulations to us! What a treat!

Thanks Ogle's!

1 comment:

  1. FUN! We've had the day - the packages stopped arriving. I admit it was super fun to be receiving all those wonderful thoughtful gifts, but I'm up to my ears in packing peanuts and cardboard! I hope for a 445 gift - that's a really nice way to do it =)
