

Dude Crafts

There are many reasons that Henry and I get along, but one of my faves is that he loves to craft too! He calls it "tying flies", I call it "masculine crafting".

He plays it off like he is going to the basement, you know, the place that men go to do man things?! 

Here he is in his craft room, note the manly cinder block walls. If this were my craft room I would paint the walls ocean blue and the work table shiny black, but that's just me.
 The beginning stages of a glo-bug: bright yarn put into a pinching contraption...
 After some twisting and wrapping (I think)...
 It wouldn't be a glo-bug without a "blood spot." Eww! After strategically placing the blood spot he put some clear nail polish on his creation. For real, he only uses the nail polish in the basement when he ties flies!?
Look at this little pod of glo-bugs, so cute tough!
Ok, for real, I think it is great that Henry enjoys making things and appreciate his patience and excitement about saving a few pennies by making them himself, instead of buying them from a store. I can't wait to eat the steelhead he lures in with these little bugs!

P.S. Is it okay to eat steelhead?


  1. Henry does rock. My husband, Jon, uses nail polish on his fishing lures too. He likes to pick up the clearance ones for reel fishing. When we're at the craft store, he picks up googly eyes, glitter stickers, and other stuff. Then he'll spend a Sunday afternoon dressing up the clearance stuff. He loves it when his lure is the one that catches more than anyone elses. Just makes me smile.
