

100 Followers...Giveaway!

Breaking news...I have 101 Followers! Since the beginning of the Lovely Residence Blog I promised myself, Henry and Stella that when I am famous (aka 100 Followers) I was going to buy myself a fancy SLR camera.

Well, the day has arrived, and I forgot to save my pennies. So, starting today, I am going to focus on finding the best camera for the best price. It won't be long before I am showing off my high quality's all in the camera...right?

Putting my purchase on hold doesn't get me down...I am going to host a GIVEAWAY!

The winner will receive all the ingredients to make these BBQ'n Cupcakes (Plus detailed instructions), because you are all GRATE! (get it? hehehe)

The Party Goes On...
Post the comment: I am GRATE! I will use on Friday morning to choose the winner!



  1. I am GRATE! (And I love to bake!) Please keep us updated on your camera search. A good camera is on my list, too.

  2. I am Grate! I also love winning, love cupcakes, and love to bake. Let's go :)

  3. I am GRATE and so are YOU, Nikki! Thank you for sharing your tips and goodies with all 101 of us out here!

  4. I am GRATE! What speaks BBQ more than weenies, kabobs and
    steak on the grill or in the form of a cupcake! How CUTE!!

  5. I am GRATE! And I miss you!!! :)

  6. I am GRATE! Love the blog, such fun ideas!

  7. I am GRATE! Also, I've known you the longest. That means something right? Right? Anyone?...

  8. I am Grate! I am probably the newest follower! I was sucked in with the paper star, and the whole idea of watching your lives! We are truly enjoying it. Plus my seven year old, Julie said to tell you we LOVE the cupcakes!!!!

  9. I am GRATE! And I love your blog! What cute cupcakes - I love the desert ones in your next post too!

  10. I am GRATE! P.S. Remember how I went out in the rain to measure that dresser for you AND let you have it :)

  11. I am GRATE! I love all your ideas!
