

Give Away...Devon Rae Sawyer Photography

One of my most talented girlfriends (and I have a lot of talented girlfriends) and I are teaming up for a Lovely Give Away! Wahoo!

Here is your chance to win a set of greeting cards photographed by the famous Devon Rae Sawyer. Haven't heard of her 'til now? Have you been living under a rock? (wink)

I sent the greetings to myself because I think no gallery wall should be without...

but feel free to send the greetings to all of your special someones.

Here is how the Give Away will go down:
Pop over to Devon's website and LIKE her on Facebook (on the top of her page). Come on back  and let me know the mission was accomplished in my comment section. That's it! One winner will be chosen by on Thursday 8/18 in the AM! ( can mismatch the cards if you win)

Leave an additional comment letting us know which photograph is your fave.

My favorite...
Watch out Ansel Adams! Watch out!


  1. Hi Nikki! I "liked" Devon on FB. She is very talented! Love following your blog!

  2. Me again! :) My favorite photo from Devon's website is the middle pic in the bottom row of the Grand Canyon section. I love how the sun looks like a star! Great photo!

  3. I like the columbine on granite one Roxanne

  4. Glad yer back! My fave: Horse 2.

  5. You took the google translator? I can not enter what you say in your blog, please put it again. thanks

  6. I checked out Devon's website and "liked" it on facebook :) her photography is really amazing!!

  7. p.s. my favorite photo is Minnesota Bark ;)
