

Set in Stone

There is no question we love our water feature, and of course we love Oscar and Stella even more!? So, we thought what better way to capture this time in our lives, than to set it in stone.
I bought this 12.00 kit at Michael's with a 40% off coupon. So, for 7.20 we had a whole night of family fun.
The kit I purchased included everything one would need to immortalize your pet. However, we just needed the cement and the mold. We used our own treasures that we have collected over time; rocks, shells, coral and sea glass from the beach and little animals from our favorite tea (for real). 
After the cement set up a little we went ahead and dunked in a little foot and a little paw.
48 hours later, we all went outside for the Water Feature- Stepping Stone Ceremony, similar to the Hollywood Boulevard celebrations.
Stella is the only one that appreciates the stone for the step it is...on her way down to get a drink.
I guess we have to keep them now, because they are set in stone! (we both know that if they could, they would both be rolling their eyes at my funny joke!)
Bonus Photo: My true love for blogging has been captured. As Meat Loaf would say, "I would do anything to blog but I WOULD do that", type over my sleeping baby's body!


  1. Nikki- you are so funny! Love the idea and you look amazing!! - Katie B.

  2. Hi, Nikki! You can use the plastic containers that baked goods come in from the store (clam shells or the round fluted-edge covers for pies) or larger pots from the greenhouse as molds and buy a bag of sack-crete at the hardware store for just a few bucks for an entire summer of stepping stone madness! I made a ton of them and they were waaaay less expensive garden stones but way more unique!

