

9 weeks and 1 day old

When do parents stop measuring their baby's age in weeks? Oscar is 9 weeks or 2 months old. Can you believe it? Yesterday we turned on the fanfare because he grabbed onto a blanket and lifted it above his head while he was laying on the ground. What ever did we do for fun before 9 weeks and one day ago? Today was his two month doctor appointment and we are happy to report that he is as healthy as a salad. (no kidding, I just made that saying up! You can use it if you want:) 

Oscar's 9 week collage...
Oscar's weekly photo is taken on Sundays...or Mondays. We lay him down on a piece of black fleece that I grabbed out of the scrap bin at the fabric store for 2.00. I have wasted a lot of time obsessing over the fact that different light makes the black fleece gray or glowing. The solution would be to take the photo on the same camera setting at the same time of day, which isn't going to happen in this house. So, my solution is to get over it. Plus, I kind of like the variation in the collage, plus the model is so stinkin' cute, who notices the backdrop anyway? Oscar wears one of his BumGenius diapers because we are trying to get a sponsorship. Just kidding, we thought it was a good idea to keep him in his diapers for consistency, plus they are pretty stylin'. Our goal is to photograph his weekly growth for the full first year, since sometimes he changes significantly in the night. 43 more weeks before the finished collage.

This just in...

Blogging is a family affair. You may also notice that I think the boppy is better suited to support the computer than the baby. I do love sharing the energy that goes into each post these days.

Signing off, 
Nikki, Oscar and Stella

P.S. Check out Road Kill Rescue. My pink stenciled chairs have been featured...ahh shucks!


  1. Which one is the youngest - top left?

  2. Very cute. It looks like you'd better keep him in the yellow diapers - look how happy he is when he's wearing those!
