

Junk Bonanza or Bust

For a year I looked forward to hitting up the Junk Bonanza in the big city.
I knew Oscar would be hangin' around (born) by the time it rolled around, but I was certain I could tote him along. As the date was approaching I came to terms with the fact that Oscar was not ready to spend a day junking...yet. So, we prepared around the Lovely Residence for me to be away from my little man for our first extended period. I woke up at 6AM, spent some time getting Oscar ready to face the day, kissed his chubby cheeks, a lot, and hopped in the car for the 3 hour drive to sift through piles and piles of junk.

I went by myself, because the only person I know that would have truly enjoyed the hunt and squealed with excitement over the piles of junk lives in Oklahoma. Tia, I miss you girl! 
The line to get in was long and my fellow junkers were crazy for their potential treasurers. It is more my style to walk around with my hands in my pockets (mostly, so I don't knock anything over) and take it all in before making any big decisions.

Check out my trophy purchase...
Isn't she beautiful? The gal I bought her from was throwing in the antique business towel, so she sold me the decoupaged bust form for only 70.00, which is a fab deal. Believe me, I have wanted a bust form for a while:) As I proudly walked her to my car I could feel the jealous eyeballs looking my way.
Henry was thrilled thrilled thrilled when I carried her into the house. His exact words were "I think I am about as excited as you will be when I buy my hunting bow." Insert eye-roll as I marched her up to our bedroom. Tia, I miss you a ton!
Here is our lady all dressed up.
I also bought an old screen door that I am pondering what to do with's been in the back of the SUV for a week now...I needed it! 
I was back in the door by 5PM. Would I go again? Probably not. The thing about shopping from vendors is they are trying to make a living or a quick wad of dough off their junk, so they know what it's worth and what some crazy junkers are willing to pay. I think garage sales are where the real deals occur...people are just excited to get rid of all their shit. However, I would not consider my bust form shit.


  1. I was wondering how your trip down there went. Glad to hear it wasn't a bust! Yes, pun intended :)

  2. Wow, I love her!!! I have always wanted a bust as well, but my husband keeps wondering where we will put it. I love how you added the pearls to her, so chic!

  3. If you like Junk Bonanza, you'll love Picker-Paradise. Check it out at in Duluth, MN July 28-29, 2012.
