

Mantel: Photo Hunt

I know that I am about to show you pics of our Thanksgiving Mantel that are extremely similar to our Falloween Mantel.

So in the spirit of PHOTO HUNT make note of the 6 differences...
1. No more spider and web 2. Baby squash 3. Floor Pumpkins 4. Baby white pumpkin 5. Bon Voyage to the dead tree trimmings 6. The framed photo! So exciting, we got our first family photo to proudly hang above the fireplace. Ahhh, virtual bear hugs for everyone! 

We are off to upstate New York to spend the holiday with Henry's family. We are anxious to see everyone (plus, I hear there is some good junkin' in those parts)! May all of your Thanksgivings be filled with friends and family, loads of food, good health and lots of lounging around!

I am thankful for Henry and Oscar and Stella!


  1. Gorgeous family photo! So lovely (pun intended). I just added turkeys to our Halloween mantel and called it good. Perhaps next year you could give me some tips. ;)
