


I stumbled upon a website called GroopDealz a few months ago. It is a site with a daily deal, comprised primarily of cutie, crafty things. I signed up for the site because the deal of the day was intriguing, even though I am pretty skeptical about getting an email on a daily basis from any business. 

I am sharing it now because I have made 2 GroopDealz purchases that I am really excited about, and both are genuinely good deals. Of course, "a deal is in the eye of the beholder."

Deal no. 1 went down like buy our first Family Christmas Stockings! I found some super cute stockings on etsy for 30.00 each. Considering 4 stockings are needed I  Henry thought 120.00 was a little steep. So, I decided to try and make our family stockings, but was not very excited about. Because then I would need to buy myself an embroidery sewing machine. Just when I was trying to decide how to attach our names to our socks, I got this....

Deal No. 1

Only 15.00 for some super cute Family Christmas Stockings! Wahoo! 1/2 the price and totally personalized. We got to choose our own sock fabric, cuff color, and name font. I even let Henry choose his own pattern. Can you say "wife of the year?" I can't wait to get them, hang them and then share them.

The second deal I took advantage of popped up yesterday. Since getting our fancy shmancy camera we are always debating whether or not to take it along on our outings. Who is going to carry it? What should we put it in? You certainly can't throw this bugger in the bottom of your purse. While looking for cute camera cases a few months ago, I stumbled on Camera Coats website and liked what I saw, but filed away the website in the idea catalog in my brain. 

Deal No. 2
$13.00, heck yeah! There are a ton of cute coat options to choose from and pockets in the back for the ol' CC and chap stick.

Some days the GroopDealz are crap, but sometimes, they are a pretty darn good dealio!

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