

Bathroom Reno. Update

I put out a teaser a few weeks ago that we were planning on starting a fabulous bathroom transformation, big modern sink and all...

Well, here is the scoop...before we do anything we need to install a fan. We have serious paint dripping and brown ceiling moisture going on. Trust me, it's gross.

You can get an idea of the dripping paint in this photo. Unfortunately, those aren't shadows. Full on, paint dripping down our walls.

Although, I like to boast about Henry's handy skills, we thought it might be worth getting a bid from a contractor to see how much it would be to install the fan. After all, wiring and electrical work could equal d-d-d-danger.

Might was right, the first (and only) bid we got was for 1500.00...and 3500.00 for the additional bathroom in our house that doesn't have a fan. Shut the Front Door!!! I couldn't believe my eyeballs (we got the bid by email.) 

So here we are, runny walls and all. I am sure I will be back to let you know what we decide, because I will tell you what, I will figure out a way of putting that new sink, that is sitting on the bed in our spare room, to use. For a reasonable amount of money. 

Any suggestions? Any general contractors out there interested in making a trade, I am sure there are gobs of you reading my blog!?

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