

Untold Stories: The Lovely Residence

Are you feeling a lack of communication from Mrs. Lovely? Sorry buddies!

The days have been coming and going and coming and going and life is different as we know it. The days of not tackling a paint project or moving furniture around use to be few and far between. Now I am afraid to move our furniture because I might have to vacuum up all the food that falls out from in between the cushions. If you are peeking in our windows these days you will most likely see me minding my own business and then suddenly jumping in front of Oscar and roaring like a lion! He loves it!

So, although I have been consistently blogging about my spray paintin', house improvin' ways, times are a changin'. Don't worry, we are not breaking up!! I am just feelin' a little guilty and a little worried you are all calling me lazy behind my back. So, here it is, expect to see more of Oscar dressed up like Daniel Boone and
Oscar eating various relatives, in this case his Cousin Caraline and
family outings to basketball games and
Oscar's weekly updates and

I will continue to keep you posted on my thrifty finds, my spray painted treasures, and how we manage to get that darn bathroom fan installed without being forced to sell one of our kidneys (plans are in the works) so we can install this sink
that is sitting on the closet floor in our guest room {insert pouty lip}.

Update on my visit to the sheet metal factory: Imagine a squirrel jacked up on pixie sticks (that's me) meeting an 18 year old Labrador. I went in inquiring about hiring them to cover our dining room table with sheet metal. Yikes! I said in my high voice "You know, like Industrial Chic!" and his flat response was "no".  After he told me he did not agree with my decision to cover our antique table with metal, we did in fact, break up. Now I am pursuing a relationship with a mixed metals artist.

Last thing, promise. Remember my ramblings about Dover White paint? No? Read about it here. Well, I found spray paint in DOVER WHITE. I almost did a herkie...
but instead stuck 2 cans under my arm and walked to the cash register chanting DO-VER WHITE DO-VER WHITE!


  1. Wow. That is a LOT of information. Were you still hopped up on the Pixie Sticks when you wrote this? =P You know what? i love it all! Herkies to you, Mrs L!
