

Family Friendly Shelves

The China Cabinet in our, now new, Family Room, was not very "family friendly"... 
This is certainly not a place that little people should explore with their tiny paws. 

So, we remedied the fragile situation...
 We took the glass doors down to the basement...
Replaced the glass shelves with some old lumber we had in the basement...
Blue taped (you know the little loops you make to hang a poster on the wall) some wrapping paper to the wall...
and added some sweet toys that will eventually (sooner than I care to admit) be within reach.

More room shots to come. It's lookin' pretty darn cute.

P.S. Oscar's weekly pic is finally posted...but since I think his new trick, 'fake laughing', is so adorable, here is another version...
He already knows how to humor me:)

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