

Please Vote For Me!

It is time to start voting for Mandi's Epic Room Makeover! Here are the rules, for this round of the contest...

1. You can vote once a day for 7 days (Sept. 7-14)
2. You can vote from each and every computer you own (it's the IP address that is tracked)
3. My entry is #42, I repeat NUMBER 42
4. Please click here to vote!

To sweeten the pot, if you vote and leave me a quick comment (in the comments section or FB) telling me you voted, I will pick a winner a day to receive a prize from the Lovely Residence. You can enter my little giveaway as many times as you vote in a day! Who are we kidding, I know you all have numerous electronic devices within reach (iPads, Nooks, Kindles, Desktops, Laptops, iPhones, Blackberries, Full On Computer Labs, it all counts)!

If you want to catch up on my original entry can do that here. Fingers crossed for a Mandilicious Playroom for this Little Dude!

Ready! Set! Vote!

P.S. I will be back to remind you to vote tomorrow, and the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day:)

P.P.S I will announce each Lovely giveaway winner alongside your friendly reminders!


  1. I voted!! Is this where I am supposed to post that??

  2. You've got a vote from Germany - that was me :)

  3. I voted!! I love meandering around your blog. Such cute ideas! : )
