

The Surprise Inside

The news I am about to share makes our family sad. Henry's Dad, Papa to Oscar, Michael to me, has been diagnosed with ALS. 

{ALS, often referred to as "Lou Gehrig's Disease," is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Motor neurons reach from the brain to the spinal cord and from the spinal cord to the muscles throughout the body. The progressive degeneration of the motor neurons in ALS eventually leads to their death. When the motor neurons die, the ability of the brain to initiate and control muscle movement is lost. With voluntary muscle action progressively affected, patients in the later stages of the disease may become totally paralyzed.}

That is the grim definition I plucked right of the world wide web. ALS affects everyone differently and Michael could live with the disease for one year or 20 years. Fingers crossed for the latter! In the mean time, we are making a crazy amount of memories and visiting the heck out of Oscar's Papa.

The Head Start Program that Michael poured his energy into, honored him with naming the facility he helped build (not hammer and nail build, but coordinating, fundraising and legal stuff build) after him. We were not able to be there for the official surprise but we visited with camera in hand.
We were also fortunate enough to get in on a little piece of the surprise by sending this pic of Papa's recent visit to The Lovely's. Maybe next year we will print this pic and do a pic inside a pic inside a pic!
Okay, back to me:) Just when it seems like there is nothing we can do to help the situation, I see a Facebook Message from a friend who is collecting auction items for an ALS Gala! Holla! After some discussion I volunteered to refinish a piece of furniture to be auctioned off. 

I scrounged Craigslist, garage sales and a local auction site and found this dresser for 27.00.
So perfectly modern. I have big plans for the exterior but wanted to go the extra mile for a special surprise when you open up the drawers to fetch your pantyhose.
The Apple Green paint was just not enough. The little man was sleeping and Henry and I were trying desperately to measure my pattern. Losing the beers probably would have been helpful.
 I am not exactly sure where we were in the process below. Measure, tape, curse...repeat repeat.
 Measuring, taping and painting done.
 My favorite part, removing the tape!
Herringbone Drawers! Come on! Totally worth the hassle.
In all seriousness, who is going to want to stack their undies on top of this cute design? I can't wait to share the rest of the dresser design soon! 

Are you amazed at how I can turn any situation into a crafting opportunity? Imagine if my crafts help cure ALS! Here's to trying!


  1. AWESOME!! You continue to amaze me!!

  2. I agree with Kathy. Nikki "you continue to amaze ME." Thanks for sharing the educational info and your donation to the cause. Every bit helps to get the word out. Most people don't know much about ALS. I sure didn't until it happened in my life. So many people doing good things to help others, we do appreciate you spreading the word and whatever bit of life energy you can find to help the fight with this disease.

  3. ALS is a scary illness to have. I have worked with a young man with ALS, he's an amazing person to be around. Nikki you are an amazing person as well. Thank you for the things you do!!!
    Love ya,

  4. So sorry to hear about the ALS diagnosis. We had an amazing friend named Eric Lowen that was diagnosed in March of 2004 and we sadly lost him this past March. He brought so much light and love to all those around him. He was a professional musician with Lowen and Navarr & finally ended his career in 2009. We helped to put together a compilation CD of his music covered by big names such as Jackson Browne & Keb Mo, that donates part of the proceeds to ALS research. You can check it out at Augiesquest is another organization we have been involved with that is doing so much to fight this devastating disease. This is such a beautiful piece that you're donating! Every little effor to cure ALS is amazing. Best wishes!
