


We are rockin' on the playroom and aside from some keys elements, I am almost ready to show and tell. Remember this picture from our garage.
I passed the white cabinets on to some friends. I refinished 2 of the 7 chairs that went to the same friend's little dude, Tui. It just occurred to me that their house is starting to look like our garage!? 

As for the beanbags, you can't see the soccer ball bag- but it's there, I saved those for The Lovely's! I paid 5 bones a piece for these bean bags. I had a big fat thrifty idea, I would just buy slipcovers and save a bundle. They turned out adorable but it didn't go down exactly as planned.
I am prepared to give you all the dirty deets. I purchased the covers from Pottery Barn Kids on sale for 30.00 for the green and 59.00 for the plaid. If I would have purchased the covers with the inserts I would have spent 239.00 + shipping! 
Right now in the story my total is 99.00 for two cutie beanbags and a savings of 140.00. The covers arrived and low and behold were much bigger than the sporty bags I bought for 5.00 a piece at GW. All the stuffing from both bags went into one PB bag. 
This is where my plan went really awry. I had options, I could ship back the plaid cover, hunt around for some cheap beanbags  to hijack the beans, or order an insert. I ordered the insert. Not from PB Kids but from Land of Nod because their inserts were 50.00 and PB does not sell them separately. In addition, the insert makes it really easy to remove the cover for washing.
Now the stats of my plan shake out at 149.00 for 2 bags. Still a savings of 90.00 had I bought these two beanbags from PB Kids. Which I would have never done in the first place. I had major beanbag remorse and still kind of do. 
It feels good to spill the beans and clear the air that my thrifty ways are not always a good deal. grrr. So, I unexpectedly splurged on a couple of beanbags...they are darn cute, Oscar we all love them and they are totally necessary!? 

Please make me feel better by sharing how an idea of yours didn't go exactly as planned.


  1. You are not alone, sister. I made one wreath at Christmas and only spent $20. I was so pumped I decided to make another one. But this one had beads. I did not realize how many beads it would take to cover the entire wreath...and how expensive said beads would be. I'm pretty sure I spent AT LEAST $50. I didn't keep track. It was too painful. But I just had to finish it once I started. Ug.
