

Choo! Choo!

While we were on the hunt for our ALS Auction Furniture Piece, I spotted a train table at GW for...10.00! Can you stand it? It was missing the top, but that is nothing The Lovely's can't remedy with a trip to Home Depot.
We mention how excited we are about our great find daily. Seriously, I love a deal and Henry loves playing with the train, so this was the find of a lifetime!
The Lego train set was sitting in our basement waiting for the day when Oscar was old enough to operate it. *Tear!
We have had it for over a week now and it gets a little action everyday.
Choo! Choo!


  1. Sweet Deal, girl. I found a bean bag at Target 50% off today, I really wanted one after seeing your blog on bean bags and all the pictures of you guys sitting in them :)

  2. looove. could he be any cuter? i think not. could those curtains be any cuter? i think not.

    loooooooooove you!
