

News about Junk

Things have been slow around the Lovely's. 2 weeks ago we all had strep throat and just when we start getting all spunky and ready to decorate we get sick, again! Our sweet little dude slimes us every night with daycare goo and the next thing we know we are vomiting in our neighbor's dining room, running to the toilet all night or spending the day in the ER with pneumonia. Plain and simple: we are a mess.

To make matters worse I didn't get picked as a contestant for my latest contest entry, ho hum! I am a little disappointed, but moving on...

I am going to do something I have really been wanting to do. It's a little scary but I am tag teaming with a girlfriend, a super junker girlfriend, and signing up to be a vendor at a junk sale!

Now I can junk and not have to wonder where I can stash it. There was a night a few weeks ago when Henry said to me, "Do I have to go and pick anything up from Craigslist tonight?" Seriously, you can't find that kind of treasure on the curb! 

I am happy to report that our garage is starting to look really junkilicious! I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. hope you are all feeling better soon and good luck with the sale just remember to have FUN-love dee x
