

The Hardwood Discovery

Oscar was napping and Henry was organizing our basement. So, I thought it would be a good time to cut a little piece of carpet out of our guest bedroom's closet to see what was hiding underneath. I mean seriously, look at it. Clearly, the people that chose this carpet were also thrifty. I would put it in the indoor/outdoor category and it is really worn out.
I was able to grab a corner and peek underneath to discover that they GLUED this carpet down to hardwood floors. 
Can you stand it? It makes my stomach churn reliving the discovery while writing this post. Then, things got even more complicated when I ripped up the entire carpet. I am impulsive and I don't deny that.
Then I could hear Henry coming up the stairs. Eeek. I didn't regret my decision but I knew the more appropriate approach would have been to chat about whether or not we wanted to take on a project of this magnitude for the sake of our time and our hard earned pennies. So, I did what any mature adult would do...I hid behind the bed.

In my opinion the sticky hardwood looks better than the carpet, and I am sticking to it. 


  1. I *might* have started a huge project when my husband wasn't home and not been able to complete it by myself, meaning half the living room was full of the uncompleted project. Yup, that might have happened once...
    I think finding the hardwood floors was a great idea!

  2. The horror! I cringed reading about the glue. I've never heard of someone gluing carpet before. You did the right thing freeing the hardwood floors. I wouldn't sleep well at night knowing beautiful wood had glued carpet on it.
