

Guest Who Wallpapered?

I am well aware that wallpapering is not a crowd pleaser. Surprise!
I swear on my winter boots that this paper peels off as smoothly as it went on. Elizabeth from Chasing Paper is the brilliant mind behind this decorating breakthrough. Commitment issues? This product is the icing on your decorating cupcake.

I needed four panels and I am not kidding when I say that I was a little careless with the first one. Can you even imagine? The back stuck together like packing tape that you would throw in the trash and rip off a new piece. I gathered myself and gently pulled the paper apart. Just like new.
I was a little worried about the seams. Seamless. No, for real, it is really hard to see the seams.
It took me 1.5 hours to hang all 4 panels, take the top left panel back off the wall and rehang it, then adjust the other 3 panels until I thought they looked perfect. Sometimes it takes me 1.5 hours to get out of bed in the morning, so a pretty reasonable transformation time in my opinion.
Guest Room 3 Weeks Ago.
 Carpet gone.
 Paneling up.
 Walls painted and floor laid.
Papered Wall. 
It gives me a lump in my throat, I think it's love.

Check out Chasing Paper. Now. Do it now. Brilliant.

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