

Modern Cottage Bedroom Reveal

The guest room is done. It all started 4 weeks ago when I received a special tube in the mail filled with removable wallpaper, compliments of Chasing Paper. I was terribly excited to use it in the most fabulous way possible.

So began the Guest Room Makeover.

I spontaneously ripped out the Guest Room carpet. 
I recruited the neighbor to help nail up a plank accent wall.
I painted every nook and cranny with leftover paint and primer...3 times!
We purchased laminate flooring from HD and the boys went to work laying it.
I hung the removable wallpaper that started this fiery makeover.
Then it was time to accessorize, my favorite part. To enhance the makeover high, my pal and Junk Hunting partner, Janette, came over to help arrange and continually and enthusiastically assure me that this was the cutest transformation- ever, also my favorite part.

The goal.
Alright, here it is. So excited.



One last image of the before and after.
So clean, so modern so cottagy. Yum yum yum. I saved the best part for last. This whole makeover, not counting labor because we love it, cost 326.00. That's right, sister friends, start ripping up your old carpet and use what you got!

Send me a message to make a reservation in our new guest room.


  1. Yes, when can I book my stay? You don't know how happy it makes me to see those two cane chairs, different fabrics and different heights. I have done the same thing in my bedroom. Question, do you intend to re-hang the closet doors? Like the rest of your home, you've made your guest room warm and inviting!

    1. Thanks for your sweet words. I am leaving the closet doors off. I think it makes it more airy in, we never stored anything in there, so this might not be an option for some.
