

Family Fun

I have been lost in my junk. The Junk Hunt is quickly approaching and my index finger is all beefed up from pushing the spray paint nozzle.

I did take a couple of days to hang with the Olson's. We choose not to swap Xmas gifts and instead plan a weekend of family fun.

This year we gathered at a Resort in Brainerd, MN. 

Olson's like to match.

Same Shirts.
Same security blankets. Do they get mixed up you ask. Yes, there have been high pitched altercations that occur due to Grammy Kay giving all of her grandchildren the exact same blanket. 
The weekend consisted of a lot of juice boxes, fruit snacks and snuggling. 
But there is no doubt that the number one weekend activity was swimming and swimming and swimming. The whole gang headed to the pool.
Open the Door! Open the Door! Open the Door! Open the Door! Open the Door! Open the Door! Open the Door! Open the Door! Open the Door! Open the Door! Open the Door! Open the Door! 

Playing in the cabinet was a close second.
We considered closing the doors and sticking a wooden spoon through the handles...but only for a second, and I swear it was said jokingly.
Back to reality which includes emerald green paint under my fingernails.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally relate to the "Open the door, open the door, open the door...."
