

Family Photo Year 3

Life is anything but normal right now. Everything we do feels like it is in preparation for the twins. Buying a couple of extra sticks of deodorant,  donating all of our books, vacuuming out the's all for the babies!

We did manage to take our yearly Bagley Nature Area Family Photo. I wanted to share some of my faves!
October 2011
 October 2012
 October 2013

If you scare easily don't read the next sentence. I still have 10 more weeks of belly growth to go, eek!


  1. Sweet photos, and you look radiant!

  2. Beautiful family photos cant wait to see 2014-love dee x

  3. Stella has the funniest tail ever :) And when I saw 1th photo my 1th think was: the new baby is so similar to Henry :) but wait a minute! Where is Henry! I wonder what eye colour will have new family member, becouse its great that u have brown, ur husband blue and Henry has still blue, that gives me hope, that our baby (in the future) will have eye colour from me (blue eyes) not my husbands (brown ones). Go on genes!

  4. Beautiful pictures...I sure miss your posts! Yours is one of my favorite blogs to read.
