

Happy Halloween

Just roll with it. 

A photo dump is in order, as requested by Auntie Valerie.

Another day couldn't go by without showing you Oscar's homemade Halloween costume.

A couple of people asked if he was a Ghostbuster?! Clearly, he is a SCUBA DIVER!

Steph dressed up the girls and took them out and about during the day. Their 6PM bedtime is not conducive to evening activities, but honestly, who doesn't want to see baby twins dressed up in cute costumes? 

Oscar was really interested in carving pumpkins this year.
Because this kept happening. 

Dad took over. 
Then we called it a day. Cutting the top off counts. Right?

A few other things going on in the Lovely Household...

It is all baby all of the time.

The gals are cruising around and getting cuter and cuter by the day. Sometimes I leave the room and when I return, I swear they grew.
Both of the girls have wildly different and adorable personalities, but they are equally manipulative...

Rosemary cries really loud with her head back and eyes closed and then peeks her little eye open to see if anyone is paying attention- then smirks. 
Eleanor throws a fit, tears and all, if Rosemary looks at her wrong (or pushes her over). When we console her she looks at her sister and smiles.
Rascally, but cute!

These girls turn ONE on Saturday. Can you believe it? We can!


Family Photo 2014

We took our 4th Annual Family Photo in Bagley Nature Area yesterday.

I went home a little early from work, threw some clothes down the stairs for the girls, barked orders at Henry to stop working, questioned Henry's outfit, picked out a new shirt for him, told him to stop arguing with me about changing is shirt, grabbed Oscar's outfit, told everyone to get in the van, yelled "Don't forget Stella!", picked up Oscar from preschool, changed his clothes in the parking lot, snap snap snap snap, and arrived back home 40 minutes later to make dinner.

Meet Nanny Stephanie. Stephanie is the newest and greatest thing that has ever happened to us. I am trying to convince her to change her last name to Lovely. 




Parents, You know when you are expecting your first baby and you think you know how you are going to parent?? Like, I am NEVER going to give them juice, NO food allowed outside the kitchen, NO television before they are 2 and then LIMITED screen time, my kid will never hit or bite or kick (his teacher at school), I will NEVER spank my kids, NO fruit snacks allowed, organic organic organic. Blah blah blah. 

Thankfully, Oscar is at the age that he can be easily bribed.

"Please sit by your sisters. Please sit by your sisters. Please sit by your sisters. Please sit by your sisters. Please sit by your sisters. Henry, grab him..."
"Good enough!"

Being a parent is really hard.


Pics by a Pro

The last time we had pics taken by a pro was October 2011, for Oscar's 3 month Birthday. Our girls were born last November and I was dragging my feet, trying to convince myself that I could get some good shots that would last a lifetime under the 'That's a Framer' category. July rolled around and the girls were growing at lightening speed, so I called in a professional. Anne Victoria was sweet and patient, priced right and she has worked in a Preschool so we knew she doesn't hate kids!

I was not sorry for bringing in a professional. 

I love the pics that Anne captured of our little people being silly. Get ready, we are stinkin' cute.

Henry and I sneaked in a mini photo shoot to commemorate Anniversary No. 5


Girl's Growth Chart

This time last year we still weren't aware that we were having twins. When I finally made time for that darn ultrasound, some dark days followed. I was stressed and overwhelmed. 

9 months later....
 What would we do without these little nuggets?


Are you dying from cuteness overload?


Busy Busy June

June was a busy month for us. 

We started my two months off with a trip to Oregon. That's right, all 5 of us on an airplane. It went exactly how you would imagine it. The girls were restless and irritable and Oscar was full of energy, trapped in the window seat. Our most memorable moment of horror was when Henry went to the bathroom, with Rosemary in arms, and Eleanor barfed all over-ALL OVER. Oscar screamed and dove to save his blankets from getting soaked with puke. Then he stood up on the seat yelling, "Henry!" "Henry!" I held back the tears of frustration when the sweet lady across the aisle handed me a tissue...seriously, lady, do you have a fire hose in your purse?!

Once we arrived in Oregon, we had a really fun time. There was a lot of snuggling- just like we like it!
Things really got kid crazy when Oscar started riding on his Grandpapa's wheel chair and would no longer walk to the park and barked out orders: "Faster!" "Get Going!" and "Into the Yogurt Shop!" 

We were home just a few days before heading to the Annual Olson Weekend of Fun. Which it was.

We signed Oscar up for soccer this summer. The sessions last for about 45 minutes and 40 of those minutes are spent chasing Oscar and Tui around and encouraging them to listen to their coaches. You will notice that they are not SUPPOSE to be on the same team, but we shortly gave up the fight and let them do whatever they want- adults lose again. Honestly, we should have just dropped those boys off in an empty field once a week and saved our money for frozen yogurt. 
This months bargain:
I bought this double baby swing at a garage sale for 4.00. Thank goodness I had twins, otherwise I would have had to pass on the swing and I love a deal!

Lastly, remember last winter when I mentioned that Oscar was also pregnant with twins? It runs in our family. They have arrived. We are happy for him. Plus, we love being Grandparents. It is true what people say, "We get to spoil them and then stuff them in a toy box."