

Ikea Conundrum

Remember the whole story about borrowing a truck and picking up furniture? If not, here's a little refresher.

One of the crucial stops on the trip was to Ikea. When I go to Ikea I usually have a plan and this time was no different. I was determined to pick up 2 of these bad boys...

Check out the chaise here. The cover is removable (and washable:), the back is adjustable and I think it is sleek and cozy for our tv nook.

The way you order big pieces of furniture at the store is by having an employee print an order for curb side pick up. So that's what we did. We drove up to the curb, they brought out our furniture, Henry loaded it up and we headed the 2.5 hours home.
 Henry also scored these pallets for our washer and dryer. For real, we take it where we can get it!
We got home at 10:30PM and started tearing into our new purchases. Why wait? It is here the conundrum occurs...Ikea gave us the wrong covers. Crap! They are the right color but they have holes on the sides to attach the couch...the couch we DIDN'T order!! To make matters worse, Ikea will not help us unless we go back to the store. Believe it. I spent hours on the phone with the call center in Maryland telling them how ridiculous that is. Ikea does not publish individual store phone numbers. The worse part is I love Ikea and I feel like they are driving a wedge in our relationship.

So, now that I have come to terms with the ridiculous policy this is what we will live with until we can find time to make the trip back to the big city.
 The wrong covers and a rug I decided not to keep, since we are headed back anyways.
I am dying to get my hands on a Twin Cities store employee. Can anybody help me, or are you afraid of what I might do?


  1. (952) 858-8088 is what I found. Let me know how it goes, a very similar thing happened to us when we ordered a bunk bed. Good luck!

  2. No luck, that is the number that routes me to Maryland...grrr!

  3. Hey Nikki,

    I ALSO have two chair slipcovers that need to go back to IKEA. I got them home two weeks ago, tried them on my chairs, go! Perhaps they have changed the size of one of their basic chairs to fit our big, fat American butts, but the upshot is that now the slipcovers that I have used before are way too big for my chairs. Grr.

    So, if I decide to head down to the Cities in the next few weeks, I'll give you a call and take your stuff, and could you vice-versa?

