

Lighting Issues

I bought a new light, for 10.00... which is not the issue... that I want to put it in the entryway. Which means I need help putting the entryway light in the bathroom and the bathroom light in my closet and because we have made some other big changes (more on that at a later date) I need the bedroom light to move to the dining room and the dining room light to our bedroom. The plan isn't the issue either. The issue is with my disgruntled employee- apparently moving lights around isn't as quick of a job that I apparently think it is. So, as usual, I whined a little (which no boss should have to do) and, as usual, my employee got things done in a timely manner. 

Here is a picture of the switch that sparked it all...
It really does make more sense that the nautical light goes in the bathroom and replaced with a $10.00 gold chandelier, what a steal...
I mean $10.00 aqua blue chandelier, what a steal!!
I hung this rare/cheap find in the garage and stuck rolled up phone book pages around the candles, who uses the phone book anyway?
3.00 worth of aqua blue paint later. So sweet.
Speaking of employees, there are two of them now, sitting around gawking at me while I work.
Let's take a vote. Who thinks the new light calls for a striped beachy rug?
(Dash and Albert Photo) 
I am sure my employees will have an opinion about this too.


Soapy Sunday

Mrs. Meyer's Basil Hand Soap is my fave!
While Pinteresting I stumbled upon the recipe of how to make it from The Farmer's Nest. So I investigated, and signed myself up for the challenge, which turned out to not be a challenge. Making my own hand soap was easy, so easy that I think this blog post might put Mrs. Meyer's Liquid Hand Soap division out of business (it appears that the gal from The Farmer's Nest may have already done some damage).

Here is what you need per batch:
Bar of Mrs. Meyer's Soap
2 Tbsp. Glycerin
1 Gallon Water
I made 2 batches. A batch of Lavender and a batch of Basil; a flavor for downstairs and a flavor for upstairs. 

Here is how to make it happen...
Shred up a whole bar of soap:
It looks a lot like mozzarella...there was an incident in our kitchen with a little soap getting stuck in my retainer. DO NOT simultaneously shred soap and mozzarella cheese in the same room.  You've been warned!
Pour the whole bar of shredded soap into a gallon of water (128 ounces or 16 cups) and add 2 tbsp. glycerin. That's all it takes is two measly tablespoons, so I am sharing the bottle of glycerin with a friend. 
Turn on the burners to med./high heat and mix the shavings until they are melted. You will have a pot (or 2 in my case) of soapy water. Turn off the burners and let it sit. That's all you have to do for about 8 hours.
 My soapy water started to sit at noon and this is what is looked like at 9PM last night.
 This is what it looked like after I stirred it up. Nice and fluffy. 
I beat it for a few minutes and added a wee bit of water to thin it out until I thought it had the perfect snotty consistency.
 Then I recruited an employee for my Soap Factory to help bottle up all of our hand soap.
We have enough hand soap to last us approx. 6 years. As Henry would say "I have over done it, again!"
The math:
One Mrs. Meyer's Liquid Hand Soap, 12.5 ounces: $4.50 (if not a little more)
One batch of home made Mrs. Meyer's Hand Soap, 128 ounces: $6.50 (soap and glycerin)
 Any questions? I love a deal!


Nobody's Perfect

I love to thrift shop. The more I blog stalk the more I like to thrift and reform. So many brilliant ideas. Although, I do not share all my treasures, I thought this one was worth the heehaw!
Can you believe someone gave this mirror art the old heave-ho? Their loss. It's true that nobody is perfect, but I like to think we are all perfectly imperfect! 


Farewell Papa

If you were following along with  the series 'Oscar and Papa Rule the House.' You may be wondering what they have been up to, so I am going to fill you in. First, I thought you should know that Papa went back to Oregon early. Turns out I was too bossy. Okay, that is obviously a joke:) Michael headed back to take care of some medical concerns and more importantly snuggle with Oscar's Nana Dina!

Catch up with Oscar and Papa's adventures here: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, Day 4, Day 5.

But there was a bit more fun to be had before Papa left.

Oscar and Papa Rule the House: Day 6
All the guys crafted! Can you stand it? I love crafting! Aren't those the cutest little tootsies you ever did see? 
The guys made a pile of homemade post cards with Oscar's cute little body parts. Well, mostly his cute little feet because putting the postcard within reach posed a problem (see upper right photo). Such a proud mama!

Later in the day Oscar and Papa worked together to change Papa's ticket to leave the next morning. A nerd in the making...

The Last Day Oscar and Papa Rule the House
Just hanging out, until next time! 


Clear Direction thanks to Dali Decals

Enough about my friends and family. Blah blah blah. I was just short on home improvement material.

I have been doing some behind the scenes work with Dali Decals to make me some custom decals. I would dress Oscar in decal clothing if it was culturally acceptable. I received my decals in the mail on Friday. That's right, plural! Dali Decals sent me 3 decals to spruce up our pad. 

Remember the arrow I painted in our hallway? You know, the arrow I painted with my new improved measuring skills?
I liked it before and now, oooh love...
I had this big plan of cutting out paper letters, taping them on the wall, tracing them, taping off the outline and then painting them. Ugh! I gave Dali the font, thanks to my friend Teri, and the size and stuck the letters to the wall in less than 5 mins. No paper, tape, pencil, outlining or paint. Done! Clean lines and all.
Wait, there is more. Can you even imagine, what other decal I am going to clutter this teeny tiny back hallway with. Notice the brass light in the pic above? Notice the missing brass light in the pic below?
I gathered up all the boob lights in the house and gave them a 6.00 updated look. Good news for the fam, it's warm enough to spray paint outside! What you see below is the primer coat.
 Feast your eyes on the updated boob light and yet another decal! I just can't get enough.
Again, I used my measuring talents, so handy! Centered the compass rose decal, made sure it was rubbed on well and slowly peeled off the paper. I added the letters later to make it easier to manage the decal. 
There is no getting lost at the Lovely's. {Hi Stella!}
I am still working on my third decal project to share, but you can bet it's all I think about. While you are waiting for the big reveal, head over to Dali Decals to jazz up your place or baby...
Naturally, I put my practice Four Leaf Clover Decal on Oscar, and he is obviously thrilled. The opportunities are endless!

For 5% off, use the code: TLR5Off 

Can you stand it, my own discount code! Big (or small) decal plans?


PS Check out all my other decals in Project Lane!
PPS I am linking up at AtoZ and Tip Junkie


Magic Carpet

If Oscar could talk he would say, "more toys! more toys! more toys!" I think everyone's inner dialogue consists of enthusiastic chants, don't they?

Oscar and Papa Rule the House: Day 5
I can tell you this much, Oscar is in for a rude awakening when Papa hits the road. But, for the time being, carry on, I will be in my craft room.

"Oh, and play nice."


Something Smells Fishy

Oscar and Papa finally had enough of household chores. Babies! So, we all took the day off and went to the Aquarium! 

Oscar and Papa Rule the House: Day 4

Oscar is clearly as excited as I am about the fish that shares the same name. That is how Eichman's show their enthusiasm {insert eye roll}.

All I have to say is "you guys 'otter' enjoy yourselves now, because the floors aren't sweeping themselves."
Who else wants to come visit?


Project Lane

Good news {patting my own back}, Project Lane (Tab) is in full swing. Please check it out. I have more to add, but I managed a darn good start. Go crazy and stroll around! 

Oscar and Papa Rule the House: Day 3
Papa is starting to figure out that Oscar is truely the ruler of the house. Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down Up Down...


They're doing what?

While Henry and I are slaving away trying to put food on the table, take a look at the shananigans going on in the family room.
Oscar & Papa Rule the House: Day 2
I was under the impression these three were at home sweeping, dusting and reciting the ABC's! The boy's behavior doesn't surprise me, but Stella-I expected more.


Our Lovely Visitor

The Lovely's have a visitor.
Oscar calls our visitor "Papa", Henry calls our visitor "Dad" and I call our visitor "Blog Material"  "Michael". Michael's Driver's License says he lives in Oregon, but we have convinced him to live in Minnesota for 3 weeks, nobody tell the DMV. 

So commences the blog series: 
"Oscar & Papa Rule the House"
Check back for a daily update and photo of their adventures. I am headed out tonight to find them matching outfits. And even though the Eichman's are multiplying in the Lovely Residence- I am still the boss! Right guys?

Oscar and Papa Rule the House: Day 1
"Keep reading guys, I will be downstairs painting." Just kidding. not really, hehehe.

P.S. Guess who's 35 weeks old!!


Vintage ABC's

It's just a little baby switcharoo, but I like it.

BEFORE: Photos and Sentimental Greeting Cards
 AFTER: Vintage Alphabet Cards
I found these free printables at The Handmade Home. I printed two per 8x11 sheet and then laminated them. I can imagine they will suffer a lot of wear and tear when we are ready to put them to good use! Wait, this is good use!
It was a two minute makeover!


Auntie Tootsie!

The Lovely Residence was full of good energy and laughter this weekend! My gfriends were in town, my college roomies.
These gals are the cream in my coffee kind of friends. You know, like the see you at your best and worst, wake up together, eat all your meals together, share a bathroom together, cry after break ups and stalk your love interests together kind of friends. They met me at a time when my hair was at it's frizziest and I consistently made questionable decisions, they celebrated my wedding day with me and now they are all Aunties to Baby Lovely.  

They rolled in late Friday night and we chatted and giggled until late and woke up to this...
After a pancake breakfast we sent Kat (Auntie Tootsie) outside to shovel so we could get the car out to go to the local brewery, where we spent all afternoon chatting and giggling.
 Auntie Kate, me, Auntie Stephanie
Auntie Kristina, Auntie Tara, Auntie Tootsie

After lunch we went home, chatted, giggled and ordered pizza from a local pizza place. Yes, my belly is hanging over my jeans.

We chatted and giggled until bed and then it was Sunday.

Oscar was feeling a little lonely this morning. He misses all the snuggles and commotion almost as much as I do. (well, mostly he just misses his Auntie Tootsie;)