

A Peek at My Junk

I have put all house projects aside in full preparation of the Junk Hunt on May 10 and 11th. My junky partner, Janette, and I each have a long list of good crap to get ready for our first big event.

Here is a little peek into what is going on at the Lovely's to prepare. Henry offered to help me for two nights this week. You read that right, he has started to put restrictions on his labor- I was afraid this day might come.

Henry found this old suitcase on the side of the road...
 and this gem came from the GW...
Nothing a little paint can't cure. Can you believe it? Paint your suitcases people!
These 6 chairs are a treasure scooped off of craigslist. I don't want to get into how I set up a propane heater in the garage without cracking a door and attempted to spray paint them despite the winter temperatures. It was a bad chemical combination and I am thankful nobody walked by with a lit ciggy. It was a bad idea.
This chandy was left behind by the previous owners and has been camped out in the basement for 2 years, it was brass. I am a little afraid I might have a baby girl and regret giving up this Apple Green Chandy because it would be so precious in a sweet little nursery. P.S. I am not prego.
We are planning on sending these uber adorable succulents home with all of our customers for 5 bones.
I will continue to lure you in with our junk in the coming weeks.


Chandy x2

I have been eyeballing some shiny chandeliers and making plans to convert and hang them in our big room as a fancy pants light source. The Lovely's are nothing but fancy.
You can see in these pics the lamps that I regretfully purchased a short 2 years ago.
These lamps are a product of my rash and impulsive phase.
I found some affordable sparkly chandeliers at gallery802 and ordered 2. They arrived in pieces and wired for a ceiling mount.
I bought some swag light kits at HD so we could rewire and plug them in, no electrician needed. 
This little change made a huge difference. This was the finishing touch that the room needed.
The shinier the better. 
Why don't they make energy efficient chandelier bulbs?


Modern Cottage Bedroom Reveal

The guest room is done. It all started 4 weeks ago when I received a special tube in the mail filled with removable wallpaper, compliments of Chasing Paper. I was terribly excited to use it in the most fabulous way possible.

So began the Guest Room Makeover.

I spontaneously ripped out the Guest Room carpet. 
I recruited the neighbor to help nail up a plank accent wall.
I painted every nook and cranny with leftover paint and primer...3 times!
We purchased laminate flooring from HD and the boys went to work laying it.
I hung the removable wallpaper that started this fiery makeover.
Then it was time to accessorize, my favorite part. To enhance the makeover high, my pal and Junk Hunting partner, Janette, came over to help arrange and continually and enthusiastically assure me that this was the cutest transformation- ever, also my favorite part.

The goal.
Alright, here it is. So excited.



One last image of the before and after.
So clean, so modern so cottagy. Yum yum yum. I saved the best part for last. This whole makeover, not counting labor because we love it, cost 326.00. That's right, sister friends, start ripping up your old carpet and use what you got!

Send me a message to make a reservation in our new guest room.


One Month Away

Eek, I need to get shaking...


Guest Who Wallpapered?

I am well aware that wallpapering is not a crowd pleaser. Surprise!
I swear on my winter boots that this paper peels off as smoothly as it went on. Elizabeth from Chasing Paper is the brilliant mind behind this decorating breakthrough. Commitment issues? This product is the icing on your decorating cupcake.

I needed four panels and I am not kidding when I say that I was a little careless with the first one. Can you even imagine? The back stuck together like packing tape that you would throw in the trash and rip off a new piece. I gathered myself and gently pulled the paper apart. Just like new.
I was a little worried about the seams. Seamless. No, for real, it is really hard to see the seams.
It took me 1.5 hours to hang all 4 panels, take the top left panel back off the wall and rehang it, then adjust the other 3 panels until I thought they looked perfect. Sometimes it takes me 1.5 hours to get out of bed in the morning, so a pretty reasonable transformation time in my opinion.
Guest Room 3 Weeks Ago.
 Carpet gone.
 Paneling up.
 Walls painted and floor laid.
Papered Wall. 
It gives me a lump in my throat, I think it's love.

Check out Chasing Paper. Now. Do it now. Brilliant.

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Guest Flooring

It has been a couple of weeks since I spontaneously ripped out our guest room carpet. I am crazy for a fun time.
Henry and I picked out the new floor at HD and paid for it, because Oscar can't drive and doesn't have a job yet, but the little dude has finally started to contribute.

First he laid the moisture barrier.
Lots and lots of measuring. You know that this would not be a good job for Mrs. Lovely.
Henry chipped in on occasion to help operate the chop saw.
 Measure twice, cut once.
After loads of research and keeping our tight budget in mind we bought a click together laminate floor for .99/ square foot. Please do not fire bomb our house for covering up the hardwood. It would have cost a load of money to get the floors refinished or loads of time and money to redo them ourselves. I was having horrible flashbacks of our roofing project; the day we took on too much. We feel great about our 180.00 decision and we love the hardwood in the rest of the house. That is all I am going to say about it (well, that is probably a lie, but for now, that's all I am going to say about it).
There is just a little left to do before the finishing touches. Ooh, so close.


Hoppy Easter!

Celebrating has become more and more fun through the eyes of the kiddos. The Lovely's gathered with my family for Easter and since my sister, Valerie, is a seasoned Easter Bunny, she took the reins and packed the Easter baskets to the brims, purchased the kid friendly plastic eggs and coordinated our new wooden egg tradition. Each kiddo decorates a wood egg a year for some good old fashion childhood development observations. Here is hoping that Oscar never decorates his egg with drawings of guns and blood! 

This year we painted the eggs.
 Then applied stickers.
 Oscar stuck tight to the animal stickers.
Can you say "spoiled?"
I captured this photo in between toddler tackles. FYI, that is a hug. Oscar doesn't use his arms to hug, too much trouble.

So much fun at Grammy Kay's.

...and Bounce World
Hope your Easter was as chocolatey as ours!