

100 Followers...Giveaway!

Breaking news...I have 101 Followers! Since the beginning of the Lovely Residence Blog I promised myself, Henry and Stella that when I am famous (aka 100 Followers) I was going to buy myself a fancy SLR camera.

Well, the day has arrived, and I forgot to save my pennies. So, starting today, I am going to focus on finding the best camera for the best price. It won't be long before I am showing off my high quality's all in the camera...right?

Putting my purchase on hold doesn't get me down...I am going to host a GIVEAWAY!

The winner will receive all the ingredients to make these BBQ'n Cupcakes (Plus detailed instructions), because you are all GRATE! (get it? hehehe)

The Party Goes On...
Post the comment: I am GRATE! I will use on Friday morning to choose the winner!



Kitchen: before and AFTER

 I have spent months complaining about our kitchen: the fridge, the faucet, the cabinet hardware, the paint color. Geez, I am thankful I still have friends. Little by little, we pulled the heart of the house together into a place we love to hang out. Check out the progression here, here, here and here.

The big reveal...

Befores and then Afters!

Time to Eat!


Thrifty Kitchen Decor

I pulled together some pieces of "art" to hang on the walls in the kitchen that I am super exited to share. I couldn't wait to eat breakfast this morning and can't stop thinking about dinner in our completed kitchen nook...tune in tomorrow!

Message Board...
I envisioned buying a big old frame with a dry erase metal board. I searched garage sales and Goodwill with no luck. I certainly came across some antique store options, but was not willing to spend 35.00. I finally resorted to checking out the frame stock at Michael's Craft Store and planned on making a 20.00 purchase when the Sunday advertisement was released (the sales clerk gave me the heads up:) It was the day before the big purchase, Saturday, I went garage saling with a girlfriend and found this beauty for 7.00! Holla!
I removed the beaten up inside lip and gave it a coat of flat white spray paint, of course.
Then, get this...I really wanted a metal dry erase board in the frame but Home Depot charges 25.00 for the size of metal sheet that I needed. I couldn't do it, so, again, I resorted to chalk board paint (which we already had in our paint stock.) UNTIL...I spotted this white board in our basement...
Perfect size. We  Henry pried it apart and there it was...metal on the other side!!! It was too good to be true. Only, it was true! I tackled the metal with some Goo Gone, Henry backed it with wood and cut it to size. Look it look it look it...

Message Center...
Wait there is more. I am not satisfied with just the world's cutest message board. I also wanted a place to hang messages, pictures and cards. Which is where this old window frame, that I took out of a student's rental house, came in handy. Some students really know the way to my heart.
I knocked out the glass...
Painted the frame (the same as our tiny accent wall), then sandpapered the frame...
and just because we don't have chickens doesn't mean we can't buy their wire...
 I stapled it down and Henry trimmed the edges...
I can clothes pin all kinds of notes onto this message center.
I sure wish someone would send us a greeting card;)


Pew Pillow

Our breakfast nook certainly would not be turning into such a cozy little nook without our 50.00 Craigslist church pew find.

Henry fixed it all up with stability legs and paint and I ordered the custom made cushion from none other than the Cushion Source. Their website was super easy to navigate and for a 145.00 I created exactly what I needed.
I picked an indoor/outdoor fabric for durability. Can you imagine all the orange juice and cereal pieces that are going to be spilled over the years? The cover zips off for easy washing and the fabric will not fade from the sunshine. Do you think Cushion Source is hiring?


Can you stand it? So stinkin' cute (get it? Pew! Har har har)


Garbage to Glam

Remember the chairs I found in the trash?

I am Wild Berry about the way they turned!
Henry and I saved these beauties from a bonfire, or worse, a life in a landfill! They were in a garbage pile up the road. I shutter at the thought of what would have happened if we hadn't shamelessly pulled up, jumped out and nabbed these perfectly useful chairs...and then dig through the trash for the missing leg.
 Henry fixed the broken leg.
Then, I got started on the makeover.
I primed them first with spray paint. I usually skip this step, because I am lazy. I thought with the dark color and wanting them to last I would take the time to assure a long life.
Wild Berry Pink Spray Paint Please! 
Considering it is made from regular old computer paper, I glued it down with Rubber Cement and painted with caution.
The stencil was strong enough for 2 chairs and lucky for me...2 chairs is what I have!
For a clear visual...
I hauled the chairs on the front steps to give the design a quick coat of clear spray paint. Then it was time to dry dry dry and back to the kitchen nook!
Breakfast is becoming better and better!

Check out other super cute ideas at:
Making the World Cuter and Sumo's Sweet Stuff and Skip to my Lou  
and The Stories of AtoZ and Faith, Dust and a Little Pixie Dust and Sugar Bee Crafts and Tip Junkie 
and Blue Cricket Design and 500 Dollar Wedding and Somewhat Simple 
and WhipperBerry and Delightful Order


Moss Wreath

I have been itching to make a moss wreath. Yep, you read that right. Google "moss wreath" images and you will see gobs of super cute designs. Last night I spent one hour, no lie, one hour making this beauty...
Moss in a bag
A couple of cheap butterflies
I hot glued the moss to the wreath...
Shot the butterflies with some white spray paint, of course, and clipped them on...
 Tied it up with a yellow ribbon...
and that's it, eeeasy cheeesy!